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Jilin University UK-China IAPP Team Members Attended the Research Forum Programs Organized by Royal Academy of Engineering (UK)

日期:2017-09-28 00:00:00 作者: 访问量:

Jilin University team members of the project “Improving the Combustion Mode and Security Running Control Strategy to Decrease the Pollution in Northeast of China (UK-CIAPP\201) ” which is supported by UK-China Industry Academia Partnership Programme (IAPP) under NEWTON FUND visited the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) from August 28 to September 4 , 2017 to attend the 2017 Research Forum and relative activities.

The team attended workshop at Royal Academy of Engineering(UK) and introduced the project advancement in the past few months to the IAPP Programme Manager Shaarad Sharma, and also talked about opportunities and challenges in this project. Mr. Shaarad Sharma and his colleagues praised the great progress made by Professor Jin and gave their suggestions on promotion and cooperation of the products Mr. Sharma also invited professor Jin and her team to attend the seminar ” Fostering Break-Through Innovation through Business-University linkages: It’s all about the People” in Royal Academy of Engineering(UK) which will be organized by Chinese Academy of Engineering and Royal Academy of Engineering(UK) in this December.

Professor Jin Yingai and her team members: Li Ming from Jilin University, Xiazhi and Song Zhiyu from Jilin Province Electric Power Research Institute Co.Ltd. visited the Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station. They discussed with the Maintenance Manager Nigel Bates about the operation of the power plant, and the emissions control especially about the NOx and SOx and dust, also  the environment policies in China and UK.

 Professor Jin Yingai and  her team members also paid a visit to the University of Nottingham. They took a seminar with Professor Yan Yuying’s team members on the simulation methods of blended coal combustion and the test technology.


年会上,团队成员向中英校企合作项目(IAPP)项目经理Shaarad Sharma汇报了近几个月的项目成果与遇到的挑战,Shaarad Sharma对我校团队的研究成果进行了肯定,并在成果的提高与推广方面提出了改进意见,同时邀请团队成员参加今年12月由中国工程院和英国皇家工程院组织在英国皇家工程院举办的“通过校企合作促进突破创新:以人为本”研讨会,不断促进交流。

期间,团队成员金英爱、李明一行还访问了英国Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station并与维修经理Nigel Bates就电厂的运行与排放控制,特别是NOx、SOx和灰尘的排放与控制方面进行了技术、政策交流。团队成员还到诺丁汉大学参加了Yan Yuying教授团队的科研研讨会,在混煤燃烧和测试技术方面进行了研讨。







